I’m finally trying out TheBrain app.

Two things stand out. Deliberate terminology. You have a thought and a thought has a type. I find that refreshing. This begs for a relatively flat structure with tags added for flavor.

I have a thought about Groundhog Day. It’s a movie type. And its genre tag is comedy-ish. Just like, well, my brain.

I just spent WAY too long investigating how to sync a highlighted Zotero pdf into Readwise with the highlights intact. All I had to do was look at the imports on Readwise to see that PDF is supported. Worked great! 🤦‍♂️

This is why I’m currently simplifying my digital stack.

Lines like this are why I love Murakami.

“Who’d want to use the dishes of someone who’d bummed them out.” (Haruki Murakami, Wind/Pinball)

It cannot be this heavy of a lift to PREpend text to an Apple Note can it? Best I can tell, you need to:

  • Find original note
  • Get body
  • Delete original note
  • Create new note with new text followed by the original body text.


Currently importing all of my Readwise highlights to Apple Notes via the Readwise API and Shortcuts. Gonna try native Apple stack for writing, notes, etc. for a bit.

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